Men’s Health
Family Health
Men’s Health
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Men’s Health
We all know that men don’t like talking about their health issues, especially if they are of a more intimate nature. And those are exactly the conditions this course talks about ― male gender-specific health issues.
This course has been designed for men of all ages who want to take care of their health: Young men enjoying the best nature has given them, but aware that everything passes and so will their youth; busy and overstressed businessmen and fathers sometimes experiencing symptoms they try to pretend are not there; middle-aged men with long-standing health issues that have never really been investigated; and finally mature men who want to optimise their health and reach old age in a healthy, happy and content state. This course is frank, straightforward and to the point. Just the way men like it.

The Men’s Health course teaches you:
The causes of erectile dysfunction and how to resolve the problem naturally.
The signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate and how to address it with food and herbs.
How we can distinguish prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia from prostate cancer.
What lifestyle choices help a man to stay powerful, confident and vigorous for as long as possible.
Why men don’t take their health seriously?
While it’s important for people of all ages to pay attention to their bodies, according to the statistics men aren’t taking their health as seriously as women. That is probably one of the reasons why men die earlier, become ill at a younger age and develop more chronic illnesses than women.
In fact, men are 24% less likely to visit the doctor for regular check-ups than women. And they tend to ignore the warning signs of some serious diseases allowing the conditions to get much worse before they finally seek help.
‘The State of Men’s Health in Europe’ report addressed the reasons why men are less likely than women to visit their doctor or pharmacist, and found that it could be down to the influence of culture on shaping masculine identity. According to the report, from an early age “boys learn not to show physical or emotional vulnerability, and they are encouraged to strive for achievement and success.”
Health is also often perceived as a feminine concern and a sign of weakness. And although stoic masculine stereotypes are becoming increasingly outdated in modern societies, toughness, strength and self-sufficiency remain harmful barriers to men accessing healthcare practitioners.
Get healthy and nourish your body

About the course
This online course includes an in-depth 1-hour video lecture, 19 informative handouts and an article about male gender-specific health issues including erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer; how to spot and address low testosterone levels that can be the reason behind a man’s health issues; what foods and herbs can help to keep the male-specific organs healthy (and which habits work against that); and what to do if functional changes have already been noticed.
The course explains in detail the properties of male-specific hormones, why men need to try and keep them at optimum levels and how to achieve that through natural approaches and healthy lifestyle practices.
About the lecturer
Mike Murphy
Qualifications:Nutritional Therapist mANP, rGNC, mBANT, CNHC
Background: Mike is a Nutritionist and Health Educator. He runs a successful clinical practice where he provides nutritional coaching and individualised, non-pharmaceutical therapy using food and nutrients to address chronic health conditions in his clients, improve their well-being and increase their performance and vitality.

Who should take this course?
The Men’s Health course is suitable for all men who want to take control of their health, support their overall well-being and nourish their body optimally to remain assertive, sharp-minded, strong, fit and in good shape long into their mature years. But it is also aimed at those that have been considering studying with CNM and want to get first-hand experience before enrolling on one of our more comprehensive Short Courses or even one of our professional Diploma Courses.
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CNM Certificate in Men’s Health.