
Fertility Enhanced with Acupuncture

Infertility is such a delicate, isolating, and often heartbreaking battle. Women especially feel the pressures to conceive by some arbitrary timeline and guilt when that time has come and gone. Because of these pressures, eager couples set on becoming parents can be all too quick to opt for IVF and other invasive and expensive therapies. Acupuncture and herbal medicine treats fertility naturally and uses our own bodies’ ability to fix itself from the inside out. Here are my tips to help you boost your fertility the way nature intended:

  • Find a trained acupuncturist. Preferably one who is knowledgeable in herbal medicine as well.
  • Track your ovulation. I recommend using the smartphone app My Days™ which has great accuracy. This will help you to see which days are your pregnancy window of opportunity. It is a common misconception that you can only conceive on the actual ovulation day.
  • Share the weight. It takes two to make a baby! So let go of the notion that infertility is solely a woman’s concern. Fertility problems are split 50/50 between men and women with 10% of couples having problems in both partners.
  • Create an inviting environment by eating a balanced diet full of vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats such as coconut oil and eggs. Always drink plenty of water.

Get in the right mind-set. You would be amazed at how quickly the body reacts when our brains start to tell us ‘PREGNANCY IS POSSIBLE.’

This information has been brought to you by Acupuncturist and College of Naturopathic Medicine Lecturer, Candice Behan, who specialises in fertility.

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