The Talbot Centre For Street Children in Nepal

The Talbot Centre For Street Children in Nepal charity was set-up in response to the plight of the estimated 1,500 homeless children in Kathmandu, Nepal, one of the 10 poorest countries in the world. A recent UN report states there are over 30,000 street children in Nepal. Over 8,000 children have lost one or both parents and more than 4,000 have been displaced due to the ongoing armed conflict between government forces and (CPN) Maoist rebels. There are thought to be over 4 million children in poverty in the country.

Denied not only their rights as children but also their childhood, at risk from various forms of exploitation and abuse; over half of the street children are addicted to glue sniffing and many are exposed to intravenous drug use, among them about 10% are believed to be HIV infected.

Unlike the UK, there is no access to free medical treatment, when the street children become ill or injured, they can literally die on the streets. Please visit to learn how you can help. Donations and volunteers are needed to help the children of Nepal.

Sioux Talbot – – 01202 247 858 –

Registered Charity No: 1105514

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