– Debbie Cotton, Naturopath and Lecturer for the CNM
1. Make sure you look good for all the Christmas parties – cleanse your skin
Drink as much water as you can before and during the festive season. The more you can help the kidneys to cleanse toxins, the less work your skin has to do, so the more glowing you will look!
Nettle tea can help too
A few cups of this a day will assist your skin to clear.
Try to avoid saturated fats, too many sugars and the over-indulgence with alcohol as these all contribute to grey or blemished skin.
Include foods with lots of anti-oxidants in to your diet Orange, red and yellow vegetables, berries and green tea are all great choices to help with that lovely Christmas glow!
2. How to avoid getting flu or colds over the festive season – and what to do if you do get run-down
Christmas tends to be a period of over-indulgence and under-nourishment. We work hard and play- hard, which in turn leads to a burnt out immune system. Our bodies become more susceptible to colds due to the extra stresses that we put on them.
Try to get as much sleep as is possible, during the festive months we seem to lose our normal patterns. Avoid coffee to overcome the problem, as this will only make things worse. A run-down tired body is always more susceptible to colds and flu.
If you do end up with a cold, put yourself to bed! There is nothing worse than spreading around the unwanted Christmas bugs, and the quicker that you can rest up and get over your illness, the less chance you have of spending the whole of Christmas run down and miserable.
Vitamin C boost
Eat foods that are high in Vitamin C, citrus fruit, berries, orange, red and green vegetables will help to keep the immune high.
Echinacea is a fantastic herb for killing and avoiding a cold. Taken when you are well it will help to raise the immune system to hopefully stave off the winter bugs. If you do get a cold, taken in a slightly higher dose, it will help the cold to run its short course, and stop it from becoming chronic. The trick with Echinacea is to get the best quality available. If you are unsure you can always ask your Naturopath.
3. How to avoid the hangover and how to cure it
Good food first
Try and eat before you start drinking. A meal that contains protein and good fats (fats don’t have to be pizza and kebabs!) will help to slow down the absorption of alcohol and the nasty effects that can occur from getting drunk too quickly.
Water too
Dont dehydrate yourself. For every alcoholic drink have a glass of water alongside it. The major cause of a hangover is purely the fact that your body is dehydrated, so aim to drink at least 2 litres of water the next day as well.
Nutrient boost
Replace nutrients that alcohol washes away! Lack of these nutrients contributes to the hangover sensation you may feel the next morning. Magnesium and B vitamins are usually first to go. Taking a good multi-vitamin the night before and the morning after will keep that listless feeling at bay.
Secret Weapon
A Naturopath’s secret herb to try and stay sober or to clean up in the morning is milk thistle (Silybum marianum). A good quality tincture or tablet in the correct dose can do the trick to really ward off the symptoms of a hangover. And if you have really over-indulged, the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica is great for knocking a hangover sensation on the head.
4. Eat well and be happy the festive food which will help you and your body through the season of goodwill
We often spend Christmas eating more than we usually do. If you choose your foods carefully, you dont have to suffer for the next few weeks with symptoms of over-indulgence!
It’s all in the turkey…
There is a lot to be said about turkey, its a great source of protein, but its also a fantastic source of the amino acid trytophan, which is the precursor to the feel- good chemical in our brain. Isnt it amazing that its the food of choice on such a feel good day? When choosing a turkey, try to pay that bit extra for free-range or organic, so that you know that you are getting all of the benefits without any of the nasty additives as well.
Christmas nibbles
If you are preparing nibbles, add in lots of cut up vegetables to go alongside your hummus or home-made avocado dip. They are still yummy, but you are getting some fantastic benefits from the nutrients that you are adding in to your diet, and it also cuts down on the amount of crisps or sweets that you consume.
Good quality olives are high in essential fatty acids, so they can be another beneficial addition to your nibble plate
Trying to care for yourself with good quality food, have your fridge stocked with great vegetables, good fats such as avocados, olives and fish and good quality proteins, such as organic eggs, nuts and seeds, lentils or beans. That way you don’t have to move far from the couch to the fridge to combat the next day munchies.
5. What to do if you do over-indulge on Christmas Day cures for indigestion
Ok, weve all done it weve overindulged and we feel terrible after wards. There are a few things we can do to over come this.
A little exercise
Try going for a brief walk. This will help to get everything moving so that you can make some space in the digestive system.
Add some fruit
Try adding some lemon to your water, the bitterness and the slight acidity will help to support digestion of the excess food that you have swallowed!
Pineapple and papaya are high in enzymes that support digestion. Serve them as after dinner fruits to try and break down the excess.
If all else fails, take a couple of digestive enzyme tablets. These again will help to break down the excess food that you have been indulging in!