Supplement Advice

Melanie Stephens, IANT, Head of Nutrition at the CNM, Nutritional Therapist.

To arrange a private consultation call Mel on 086-2442708, or email


Food sources
– Fresh vegetables and fruit, such as broccoli, green and red pepper, potatoes, brussel sprouts, kale, parsley, cauliflower, cabbage, sharon fruit, pineapple, kiwis, strawberries, papaya, citrus fruit, mango.

Best supplement form – Avoid ascorbic acid as this can irritate the stomach. Buffered forms, such as magnesium ascorbate, are more gentle on the stomach.

Best taken – In small doses throughout the day.

When to take more – Whenever you are stressed or feel a cold coming on (take with zinc to boost immune function). If you are a smoker you need to take extra vitamin C on a regular basis.

Additional information – Always take a multivitamin and mineral as a back up, to provide all the synergistic nutrients that enable vitamin C to function properly in the body. A bioflavanoid supplement may increase absorption of vitamin C.


Food sources – Broccoli, cabbage, kale, tofu, sardines, pilchards, salmon.

Best form – Calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, amino acid chelate.

Best taken – In the evening, with food.

When to take more – For osteoporosis.

Additional information – When used for osteoporosis, calcium should be taken as part of a formula designed for bone health, containing other nutrients such as magnesium, vitamins A, D and K and boron. Should not be taken by those who suffer from hyperparathyroidism or cancer without medical supervision.


Food sources – Green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds,

Best form – Magnesium citrate, magnesium taurate, magnesium malate, magnesium succinate, magnesium fumerate, magnesium aspartate, amino acid chelate.

Best taken – During the day, with food.

When to take more – When you are stressed, for anxiety, blood-sugar fluctuations, low energy, muscle aches, tension headaches, PMS, osteoporosis.

Additional information – Should not be taken by those who suffer from kidney disease or heart disease without medical supervision.


Food sources
– Legumes, whole grains (wholemeal bread and pasta, rye products, brown rice, oats), nuts and seeds, fruit and vegetables.

Best form – Always take B vitamins as a complex. It is possible to supplement individual B vitamins, but always take a B complex supplement as a back up to provide synergistic nutrients.

Best taken – Early in the day as it will boost your energy levels, taking it at night might prevent you from sleeping. Ideally take in two small doses rather than one large dose. Take with food.

When to take more – Whenever youre stressed, when energy or mood are low, for PMS, blood-sugar fluctuations.


Food sources – Oily fish, including mackerel, trout, herring, salmon, also flaxseed, nuts and seeds.

Best form – Ideally it should also contain an antioxidant like vitamin E. Should be stored in a dark bottle in the fridge.

Best taken – With food.

When to take more – If you suffer from a cluster of the following symptoms; inflammatory disorders, dry skin and hair, weak nails, dry mucus membranes, frequent infections, low mood or energy, lack of motivation, forgetfulness, constipation, poor digestion, bloating.

Additional information – Its important to avoid trans fatty acids from processed and fried foods, which prevent your body using essential fatty acids.

Disclaimer: This information is not intended for use in diagnosing or treating any health condition. If you are currently taking medication or suffer from a diagnosed condition, always consult your doctor for medical advice.

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