Summer Health Tips

So the summer has finally arrived… The time of BBQs, lounging in the park with friends and unfortunately for some, the itchy, puffy, swollen eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat that are all associated with hayfever. How can you help yourself to get through this trying time? We asked CNM Naturopath Debbie Cotton to give some advice…

Inhaled and ingested irritants can add together to create that lovely hay-fever effect in the body. The mucous production that your nose and eyes creates is only to protect the body from a perceived threat. So in turn the body is only doing its job, buts its being a bit hyper vigilant about it. The trick is to find out why.

One of the biggest tools that we have as Naturopaths in reducing and alleviating hay-fever is looking at diet. Removing irritants from someones diet takes a lot of stress off the body, and it slows down the hyper immune reaction. Wheat and diary are often highly implicated for being irritants to the mucosal membranes in the gut wall, which in turn affects the mucous membranes in the nose and eyes, but every person is different so you may need to find out what food is slightly irritant to you. Once you have worked out what it is in the diet that is affecting you, try removing it for a while to give your body a break and see the difference. To do this you may want to see a Naturopathic Nutritionist to tailor a diet for your needs.

Probiotics (acidophilus and bifidus) have been shown to reduce the immune response in the gut wall by mediating certain inflammatory pathways and chemical messenger release in the body. Taking a course of probiotics in a good dose range may help to get the immune reaction down.

The contingent nutrients Rutin and Quercertin along with Vitamin C have been shown to have a regulatory effect on inflammation and histamine release. Supplementing with these may also help to alleviate some of the nasty symptoms associated with hay-fever, and regulate the immune and inflammatory response.

There are many herbs that can help minimise the immune reaction of hay-fever, but it is always best to get a herb prescribed for your specific needs. Homeopathic remedies also often have great results in clearing up hay-fever. There are many complexes available at health food stores, but these sometimes might be a bit hit and miss in their actions, as they are not formulated for you personally.

Alleviating some of the symptoms of hay-fever this summer may still be possible if you get on top of it now. Otherwise, start a plan now with the long term goal of having a hay-fever free summer next year!

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