How Safe is the Water We Drink?

– Stephen Langley, ND

The definition of pure water is bacteriologically safe water, the tap water having a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. This allows a great deal of leeway in what passes as acceptable water. Over 350 different man-made chemicals have been detected in British tap water. Alum, chlorine and many other inorganic compounds are put into the water supply to purify it. There are many places where lead and aluminium are a problem in the water. The leakage of animal slurry into rivers causes water pollution particularly nitrates. Nitrates destroy vitamins A and E; cause mineral imbalance and hormone disturbance and they are carcinogenic.

Other contaminants include pesticides, herbicides and parasites such as cryptosporidium. Radioactive iodine, natural and synthetic steroids such as oral contraceptives, anti-cancer drugs, antibiotics and other hospital wastes have all been detected in certain water supplies. Most jug type filters remove some of the chemicals, but many remain. Certain bottled waters are no better than tap water and have high levels of nitrates.

Chlorine has long been added to public water supplies to kill bacteria. However, the levels of chlorine can be quite high and some by-products of chlorine are known carcinogens. Once inside the body chlorine destroys the healthy bacteria in our intestines which are vital for immune function. Chlorine in the form of steam such as in a steam room or shower can have a vasoconstricting effect on the airways of some asthma sufferers. Chlorine dries out the skin and hair and can create chloroform when it reacts with peat and other material found in water. There is a link between chloroform ingestion and cancers of the bladder, colon and rectum. Note, if you cant smell the chlorine in the water, you can expect that another chemical has been added to suppress it.

Aluminium sulphate is added to make the water look crystal clear. With all those inorganic minerals and chemicals dissolved, the water should look turbid. Aluminium sulphate takes ions out of suspension, creating clear water. Aluminium has been linked to Alzheimers disease.

The best way of hydrating the body is through the use of fresh, organic fruit and vegetable juices. The water content, full of enzymes, is very bio-available to the body and is alive. This is called structured water and has a different crystalline shape than water which has no life force. Sunshine and magnets can both structure water. Tap water or bottled water is dead water and has no vital energy. The body will not assimilate the tap or mineral water as efficiently as the juices and so we will be thirsty again very soon after drinking the mineral or tap water.

The amount of water a body needs depends on temperature, climate, ones activities and health. We need to drink at least 8 glasses (8ozs) of water daily. We should not rely on our thirst barometer to tell us when it is time to drink as it is not a very sensitive instrument. By the time we are feeling thirsty, our cells are already dehydrated. We should take a leaf out of the book of good mountaineers who recognise the continual insidious loss of fluids due to high altitude-drink before you are thirsty.

Be aware that protein breakdown requires more water and if you eat a lot of protein, your water requirements will be greater. Remember not to drink too much water or fluids with main meals. This dilutes the stomach acid and so it is better to drink water between meals.


This excerpt was taken from The Naturopathy Workbook by Stephen Langley, MSc, ND, DipHom, DBM, DipAc, OMD.

The Naturopathy Workbook is now available- to purchase please contact Lucy on +44 (0)1342 410505 or email

Stephen Langley MSc, ND, DipHom, DBM, DipAc, OMD, is a registered Naturopath, Homoeopath, Acupuncturist and Medical Herbalist. He has appeared on a number of television and radio programs concerning a wide range of health issues as well as being a regular contributor in the press for articles on health and healing. Stephen has studied Holistic Medicine in China, India, Hawaii, Australia, Tibet and Japan and has given talks on Naturopathic Medicine in many countries around the world.

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