A Brief History of Protein: Passion, Social Bigotry, Rats, and Enlightenment

Nutrition is an emotional subject and nothing arouses people’s passions more than the subject of protein in their diet. Widely divergent opinions on whether more protein or less is best, and on the merits of animal vs. vegetable sources, have been debated for more than 150 years. And for all that time solid scientific research has clearly supported the wisdom of a diet low in protein favoring vegetable sources. So far, however, the scientific facts have fought a losing battle against popular opinion which values high-protein diets based on animal foods. Mark Twain once said, “Truth is mighty and will prevail”. There is nothing wrong with this, except that it ain’t so. Even though the facts may never become popular knowledge, I will always believe it is your fundamental right to know the truth about your nutritional requirements this vital information should be taught from childhood as basic education, along with reading, writing, and mathematics and along with health facts such as cigarettes cause lung damage, drunk driving kills, and automobile safety belts save lives.

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