Beat the Winter Blues Naturally

For some, January may not be the easiest of months and it’s no surprise; after all most of us over indulge in spending, eating  the wrong foods, and consuming  too much alcohol over the festive season. Diet and lifestyle greatly influence our brains behaviour, so here are some tips to lift your mood naturally and take a happier you into the New Year.

  • Eat tryptophan rich foods, such as turkey, salmon, bananas, buckwheat, dates, oats, nuts and seeds. Tryptophan supports the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin which regulates our mood and keeps us happy.
  • Increase Omega 3 rich foods such as oily fish, nuts, and seeds.  Low levels can be associated with low moods.
  • Eat leafy green vegetables; they’re abundant in vitamins and minerals especially B vitamins which support brain health and mood.
  • Introduce probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, and probiotic yoghurts. There is a huge connection between your gut health and brain health and it is estimated that 90% of serotonin (the happy hormone) is made in our gut.
  • Daily exercise is a great way to boost your mood.  Try to incorporate it during day light hours as poor sunlight exposure can lead to SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and low vitamin D levels may contribute to low moods.

Continued diets full of junk food and stimulants like coffee, sugar and refined carbohydrates interfere with blood sugar levels and serotonin production, leaving us feeling low. Instead, eat a whole food diet, full of complex carbohydrates, and avoid stimulants and sugar, this in turn will improve your mood, body and happiness.

By Nutritional Therapist and College of Naturopathic Medicine graduate Jacqueline Ryan. If you would like to find out how you can train at CNM for an exciting career in Naturopathic Nutrition, attend the next open evening.

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