Winter Wellness

Q: “How do I stay healthy over the Christmas season when I suffer with food intolerance? I’ve finally got my digestion back on track and don’t want to undo all my hard work!”

Christmas can be a tricky time of year for those who suffer with intolerances, with mince pies, cheese platters and plenty of mulled wine around every corner. Some people get very unwell for days after ingesting some trigger foods, while others may tolerate a small amount here and there. It’s best not to suffer in silence and to decline politely if this will save you much pain and discomfort the next day.

Here are some tips to have you festive season ready:

  • Make some healthy treats to bring along with you, if you are invited to a party. It’s best to keep them gluten, dairy and refined sugar free if possible.  Try my raw cacao truffle treats (  This will suit most people who are sensitive, and of course, they can be a nice tasty alternative for the other guests who aren’t as restricted with their diet.
  • Be prepared: a handy pack of gluten free crackers or oatcakes are useful to pop in your bag, and you can use them to dip into hummus or guacamole.
  • Keep it simple: when eating out, opt for lovely seasonal veggies such as red cabbage and Brussels sprouts which are loaded with plenty of phytonutrients to keep your gut and immune system in tip top shape.
  • Always ask for sauce on the side, and then you can just leave it out if it’s loaded with cream.  A lemon wedge and olive oil can be really tasty drizzled over some fish, and ask for some fresh chopped herbs.  Every good chef should have a stash in the kitchen!
  • Fennel and Peppermint tea are a great post meal drink to ease any bloating or wind, and slippery elm powder is fantastic for any heartburn or inflammation.
  • There are some nice alcohol free options available for those who choose to abstain for whatever reason.  Some alcohol free punch, ginger beer and let’s not forget a nice sparkling water with a splash of elderflower cordial and lemon, will have your head nice and clear the next day!  If you are drinking alcohol, it’s wise to drink plenty of water in between, and to have something to eat with it.

Food and drink can be such an integral part of the festivities with celebrity chefs beaming from every channel and bookshelf with their tasty dinners and canapés,  but have faith in your food choices, and remember to enjoy the company and the craic!

Colleen-KennedyArticle by Colleen Kennedy has graduated in Herbal Medicine and Naturopathic Nutrition from CNM and also lectures in Herbal Medicine at CNM Galway and Dublin Campus. For Information on CNM courses in Natural Therapies available nationwide visit

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