– Carina Harkin BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom.BHSc.Acu.
Congratulations! You are either pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant or recently given birth. This is a time when many of us start to become concerned about chemicals in our food and environment. Many skincare products are also a chemical concoction. The following information will help those prospective mothers make choices in regards to natural products for them and their new babies. Remember that everything is readily absorbed through the skin. The following ingredients are all petrol based or chemical ingredients to avoid that are associated with irritation or cancer. These are sodium lauryl sulphate, ammonium lauryl sulphate, propylene glycol, ethoxylates and dioxanes, nitroamines and artificial colourings. Read the labels in your bathroom.
Baby bumps
Stretch marks are associated with connective tissue weakness and poor circulation in Naturopathic terms. Supplements that can be taken internally to reduce stretch marks are vitamin C, zinc and essential fatty acids such as found in fish oils. Fish oils also help make baby brains grow. External creams can relive an itchy tummy and assist the maintenance of skin elasticity. Good external creams are a pure Aloe Vera, vitamin E cream or pure almond oil. Most creams are petrochemical based. It is important to look at the ingredients. Remember also to massage the nipples to prepare for breastfeeding.
Baby bums
There are many natural products for baby bums, including nappies and alcohol and fragrance free wipes, bath care products and nappy creams. Some disposable nappies are organic based and biodegradable. Check out your local health food store. There is a baby range called Gia, which are organic based and low irritant. They come in pump packs so are easy to use.
Baby lotions
A warm bath and a baby massage before bed will help your baby relax. Some babies have dry skin also at birth so will benefit from a massage with oils. A safe oil to massage a very small baby is organic almond oil. Be sure to use a pure vegetable based soap with no sodium lauryl sulphate. There is a Galway based company called White Witch that specialises in luxurious organic baby products that I highly recommend for any mum. Check out www.whitewitch.ie.