10 Easy Steps to Clean the Body in 10 Days February 28, 2020November 28, 2007 by Peter O'Connell– Melanie Stephens, IANT, Head of Nutrition at the CNM, Nutritional TherapistTo arrange a private consultation call Mel on 086-2442708, or email healthforce@gmail.com.Step 1Preparation – if you dont plan, you plan to fail. 1-2 weeks before you start:Prepare your kitchenPrepare your mindPrepare your shopping listStep 2No tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar, red meat, dairy, refined foodsStep 3Have an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetablesAim for four cups of vegetablesAim for one large raw saladAim for three pieces of fruitStep 4Include linseed/ sunflower/pumpkin/walnutStep 5Drink 1.5-2 litres of water per dayDrink only herbal tea / green teaStep 6Eat protein twice per dayFresh fishOrganic chickenBeansLentilsOrganic eggsStep 7Adopt a healthy, positive attitudeStep 8Aim for 20 minutes of brisk exercise daily to stimulate circulation and lymphaticsStep 9Spirulina – this aids the detoxification process – gradually increase the dosageStep 10Probiotics – these will replace good bowel bacteriaShare this