Marketing Milk and Disease

The Dairy Industry is really big business with sales of over $11 billion for milk and $16 billion for cheese annually in the USA alone so you might expect hard line marketing from them but would you expect them to aggressively sell their products if they were known to be harmful to people especially to women and children?

The Dairy Management Inc., whose purpose is to build demand for dairy products on behalf of Americas 80,000-plus dairy producers, has just released the Dairy Checkoff 2003 Unified Marketing Plan (UMP) with a budget of $165.7 million.1 The United Marketing Plan explains, This ongoing program area (referring to the section Dairy Image/Confidence) aims to protect and enhance consumer confidence in dairy products and the dairy industry. A major component involves conducting and communicating the results of dairy nutrition research showing the healthfulness of dairy products, as well as issues and crisis management. (Most likely, I fall under the heading of issues and crisis management.) Continue reading >>

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