Becoming a Parent


Healthy Children Begin With Healthy Parents

Parent’s health is strongly associated with children’s health, more than any other socioeconomic or demographic factors. That is why taking care of your health, regardless of your gender, is crucial if you are preparing and planning for pregnancy.  Your optimal health before conception, as well as women’s health during pregnancy, will increase options for a child’s optimal health.

The aim of this course is to help provide you with the knowledge needed to feel prepared and confident about your journey into parenthood, and to inform and support you about key decisions regarding fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood.

The Becoming a Parent Short Course teaches you:

  • How some factors that impede fertility can be modified with healthy dietary and lifestyle choices.

  • Why balance of the oral, intestinal and vaginal microbiota are important for both maternal and foetal health, and how to achieve it.

  • What natural remedies can be used to help with pain management, fear and anxiety during labour.

  • How to establish succesful lactation and what to do to support baby’s microbiome if breastfeeding is not possible.

Learn natural ways to becoming a parent

A Woman Should Have The Birth That She Feels Comfortable With

There’s no rule that says you must give birth lying flat on your back in a bed. Lying on your back is generally not advised in the first stage of labour because it can reduce blood supply to your baby and the pelvis. It could also lead to a longer labour. Choose a comfy position lying on your side or sitting with your feet up, you can walk and move around or lean forward on a bed while rocking and swaying. Birthing positions can help you to feel in control, reduce pain and open your pelvis to help the baby come out.

An upright position during active labour has many benefits, including bringing on stronger contractions and potentially a shorter labour, giving you less severe pain and decreasing the chance of problems with the baby’s heart rate.

You can kneel down, using a chair or birthing ball for support, sit or kneel in a bath, squat, use a birthing stool, sit on the edge of a chair or bed. Your birth partner can massage you, help guide your breathing and support you while you are in your chosen position.

Remember that you can choose the birth position that makes you most comfortable, and that your birthing team is there to support you the way you want them to. They are there for you.

What does the Becoming a Parent Short Course cover?

The course is made up of four in-depth natural guides: fertility, pregnancy, labour and early parenthood. It introduces healthy nutrition, lifestyle practices and natural remedies for parents preparing for conception and mothers during pregnancy; how to support women during labour and after giving birth; what to do to establish successful breastfeeding; and how to look after a newborn in the most natural way to give a baby the healthiest possible starting point in life.

How to optimize Fertility

  • Factors that impede male and female fertility.
  • Having a healthy diet prior to conception is critical for both parents.
  • Detoxification ― a key place to start on the preconception journey.
  • Pinpointing ovulation by cervical mucus and position monitoring and basal body temperature charting.

Have healthy and happy pregnancy

  •  A healthy pregnancy is dependent on a balance of macro- and micronutrients.
  • Adequate intake of water is vital to accommodate increases in blood volume during pregnancy and to replenish the amniotic fluid.
  • How to minimise exposure to toxins during pregnancy.

Labour tailored to your needs

  • A balance of omega-6:3 contributes to normal gestational length, cervical ripening and the start of labour.
  • Pain and stress management with breathing techniques, essential oils, acupuncture and acupressure, tissue salts and homeopathic remedies.
  • What benefits delaying cord clamping can have to a newborn.

Adjust to Challenges of Early Parenthood

  • Breastfeeding facilitates the bond between mother and child and has a range of health benefits for both of them.
  • What is baby-lead weaning and how to do it in practice.
  • Establishing a healthy microbiome in the infant’s first month of life is central to health and development.

About the lecturer

Dr Jodi Cahill mANP rGNC

Qualifications: Master of Homeopathy, PGCE in DTTLS, Diploma in Mesotherapy.

Background: Dr Jodi Cahill is a Homeopathic doctor, Naturopath and Homotoxicologist, and runs successful clinics in London and Sevenoaks with a special interest in mental health, the endocrine system and environmental medicine. She trained and qualified in South Africa before moving to the UK and setting up clinic in 2008. Jodi has been lecturing at CNM since 2011. She is a senior lecturer in Biomedicine, Naturopathy and Homeopathy.

Who Should Take the Becoming a Parent Short Course?

This course is suitable for natural health students and practitioners of all modalities, as well as anyone who is thinking about becoming a parent, or is planning to start a family and wants to give the best possible start in life to the baby. It can also be of a great help to those that have been battling with fertility issues and want to improve their chances of natural conception, as well as to those determined to have as healthy pregnancy as possible leading to natural birth and a happy, healthy baby being born.

It focuses on foods, herbs, lifestyle recommendation, homeopathic remedies, tissue salts and Bach Flower remedies that can naturally and gently support all the stages from conception through pregnancy to labour, recovery after giving birth, breastfeeding all the way to weaning and teething.

The Natural Guide to Becoming a Parent explores exciting new angles of natural support for all family before, during and after pregnancy.

Study Online

  • Study in your own time.
  • Study from anywhere in the world. 


CNM Certificate in Becoming a Parent.


Continuous Professional Development (CPD): This course is worth 30 CPD points awarded by the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP).


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