Is Your Child Struggling to Sleep?
Here’s 3 homeopathic remedies that can help
Sleep is fundamental for us all. As a parent, it can be heart-wrenching to see your child struggle with sleep. While some children easily fall into good sleeping patterns, others may require a bit more support.
In fact, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) found that more than two out of every three children ages 10 and under have experienced some type of sleep problem. According to the NSF, poor sleep can lead to difficulties in concentration and behavioural issues, highlighting the importance of addressing sleep problems early on.
Any parent with a problem sleeper in the house knows the strain this can put on the entire family, but there are many ways to help – homeopathy is one of them.
How homeopathy aids sleep
Establishing a calming bedtime routine is essential for improving sleep quality. Activities like reading, gentle stretching, or creating a peaceful sleep environment can significantly help. In addition to these routines, several homeopathic remedies can provide invaluable support for both parents and children facing acute sleep problems.
Coffea 30c is a standout homeopathic remedy for insomnia caused by a racing mind. Coffea is derived from coffee, which may seem unusual at first glance, but it embodies a key principle of homeopathy: the “law of similars.” Simply put, a substance that causes symptoms in large doses can treat those same symptoms in minute quantities. As Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, said, “By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured.”
The concept that a substance can be harmful in large amounts but beneficial in small doses isn’t new to science. This idea, known as hormesis, has been recognised for decades and is increasingly documented in biology and toxicology. Even conventional medicine utilises this principle; for example, Digitalis can cause irregular heartbeats in high doses but is effectively used in low doses to treat the same condition. However, in homeopathy, the doses are so small that toxic side effects are avoided.[2]
Cina is another effective remedy, particularly if you suspect your child may have pinworms. This condition can lead to irritability and restlessness at night, often accompanied by an itchy nose. Symptoms can become more pronounced during a full moon when the worms are more active.
Kali-phos is helpful for children who are overstimulated from an exciting day and struggle to wind down. It can also ease stress, alleviating feelings of being “frayed,” edgy or oversensitive.
How to take homeopathic remedies
Administer one of the above remedies an hour before bed for a week, and repeat during the night if you or your child wakes.

Chronic sleep issues
If sleep problems persist and you start dreading the nights filled with broken sleep, a constitutional prescription (prescribed by a homeopath) is the most effective treatment option. Sleeplessness often signals deeper physical or emotional issues, which are essential to identify and address. Homeopathy seeks to uncover the root causes of symptoms, making it an excellent choice for ongoing sleep challenges. If you’re unsure which remedy is right for your child, it’s always a good idea to consult a qualified homeopath.

Safe healing from within
Homeopathy is an energy medicine that is non-toxic and free of side effects, making it safe for children, babies, pregnant women and the elderly. It addresses both physical and emotional concerns and aims to heal at the deepest level.
If you’d like to learn more about using homeopathy for sleep and everyday situations, take a look at CNM’s short course Homeopathy for Everyday Living. For more in-depth training, see the Homeopathy Diploma.
Written by Zoe Scanlan, Director of Homeopathy, CNM