Why Anti-Depressants Don’t Work

Discover the truth behind their existence

The prescription of anti-depressant medications has skyrocketed in the past few decades. These drugs are often hailed as a solution for depression and other mood disorders, with millions of people worldwide relying on them for relief.

However, an increasing body of research and countless personal experiences have cast a shadow of doubt on the efficacy of anti-depressants.

This article explores the multifaceted reasons why anti-depressants don’t work and the truth behind their existence.

What are anti-depressants?

Anti-depressants are a class of prescription medications primarily designed to alleviate symptoms of depression and other mental health conditions. They are supposed to work by targeting neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in the brain which are believed to influence mood and emotions. However, the question arises: are emotions, like love and anger rooted in brain chemistry, or are they related to an individual’s personality and life experiences? When one person succeeds in an exam while another fails and feels mistreated, is this discrepancy influenced by brain functions? Is love a result of brain chemistry, or is it more a reflection of the deep connection one shares with another person?

Life experiences and self-care practices can lead to changes in your physical well-being and overall emotional state. Factors like diet, exercise and ethical choices have a significant impact on how one feels, both physically and mentally. Despite the alluring advertisements, using medications doesn’t enhance one’s ability to love more, perform better at work, or lead a more productive life.

On the contrary, some antidepressants can “numb” emotions, reducing awareness. In such a state, it can be challenging for a person to experience happiness, creativity and strong emotions.

Anti-depressants come with significant side effects. While these drugs seem to help manage symptoms, it’s crucial to acknowledge that they do not offer a cure. Instead, they lead to addiction and dependency rather than effective treatment.

Anti-depressant side effects

Anti-depressants come with a range of heavy side effects, which are often more distressing than the condition they aim to ‘treat’. These include:

  • Addiction, dependency
  • Sexual dysfunction and loss of libido
  • Weight gain
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Tremors
  • Insomnia and drowsiness
  • Digestive issues – changeable bowel motions, bloating, flatulence
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Reduced quality of life

Withdrawal symptoms from anti-depressants encompass various effects such as flu-like symptoms, nausea, dizziness, headaches, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, electric shock sensations, mood swings, fatigue, balance issues, vivid dreams or nightmares and visual disturbances. Their intensity and duration can vary based on the specific medication, dosage and individual factors. Managing withdrawal safely involves a gradual tapering of medication under supervision to mitigate these symptoms.

Medications don’t provide solutions to life situations. They can’t replace job satisfaction or improve strained relationships. It’s perfectly normal not to feel happy when receiving bad news. Seeking out help to manage these challenges and find constructive solutions is a more productive and helpful approach.

How anti-depressants came into existence

The influence of Big Pharma on the widespread use of anti-depressants is a multifaceted issue that goes beyond mere drug development. The story began in the mid-20th century when the first anti-depressant, Imipramine, was discovered almost by accident. Originally developed as an antipsychotic medication, its observed mood-enhancing effects redirected its purpose towards treating depression. This serendipitous discovery sparked the interest of the pharmaceutical industry.

As time went on, more anti-depressants emerged, often following a similar trajectory of accidental discoveries or repurposing of existing medications. In the 1980s, SSRIs such as Prozac gained popularity due to their seemingly favourable side effects profile. They quickly became the go-to treatment for depression.

However, the story doesn’t end with their development. The pharmaceutical industry’s influence in the promotion and marketing of these drugs cannot be overstated. With vast financial resources, drug companies have significantly shaped the narrative around anti-depressants. They conduct and fund much of the research, which had led to biased results in favour of their products. They also employ aggressive marketing strategies to promote the use of these drugs among healthcare providers, often emphasising their efficacy while downplaying potential side effects.

This industry influence has led to overprescription of these ineffective drugs. As a result, more people have been exposed to anti-depressants, even when alternative therapies are more suitable

The chemical imbalance theory

The chemical imbalance theory has served as a fundamental concept in psychiatry for many years. It suggests that conditions like depression and anxiety stem from imbalances in key brain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine. This theory significantly impacted the creation of psychiatric drugs, including anti-depressants, and was heavily propagated by pharmaceutical companies for various motives, such as:

Simplicity and marketing: The chemical imbalance theory provides the industry with a justification to drug people. Explaining that depression is caused by a deficiency in serotonin makes it easier to promote anti-depressants that target this neurotransmitter.

Drug development: The theory offers a clear direction for pharmaceutical companies in developing new medications. If depression is believed to be a serotonin deficiency, then drug companies can focus on creating drugs that increase serotonin levels. This approach led to the development of SSRIs which have been widely prescribed.

Over the years, the chemical imbalance theory has faced rigorous scrutiny and was effectively debunked by extensive research conducted by scientists at University College London. Their studies revealed that individuals with conditions like depression often had serotonin levels within the normal range.

The chemical imbalance theory also fails to consider the multitude of factors contributing to depression, including genetics, environment, trauma and life circumstances.

The problem with anti-depressants

Ignoring the root causes

Anti-depressants mask symptoms rather than addressing their underlying causes. By numbing emotional pain, these drugs hinder individuals from recognising and addressing the factors contributing to their depression. This overreliance on anti-depressants overshadows the importance of identifying and tackling the root causes of depression, which may include unresolved trauma, lifestyle factors, life events or hormonal and thyroid imbalances (particularly in women) that require comprehensive therapeutic approaches.


Many people seek quick fixes for issues that should ideally be addressed through more therapeutic means. Perceptions are exploited by the pharmaceutical industry. Anti-depressants can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses for the same effects, and dependence, resulting in withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation. This leads to long-term reliance on the medication with individuals becoming addicted to them, impeding the goal of eventually managing depression without it. Some psychoactive drugs have the same chemical composition as street drugs such as Ritalin and LSD, which can cause a sedative effect and result in a zombie-like state among those who use them.

Sedatives may induce tranquillity but don’t enhance one’s capabilities.

The placebo effect

One of the most remarkable findings in anti-depressant research is the substantial placebo effect. In many clinical trials, patients given a placebo (a sugar pill with no active ingredients) report similar levels of improvement in depressive symptoms as those receiving actual anti-depressant medications. This indicates that a significant portion of the benefits attributed to anti-depressants may be due to the power of belief and expectation.

What’s the alternative?

Rather than relying on pharmaceutical interventions, a comprehensive approach to mental health should encompass a range of therapeutic modalities, individualised treatment plans, and a focus on addressing the root causes of depression.

Stay tuned for part two next week, where we will explore strategies involving nutrition, lifestyle adjustments and herbal remedies to help effectively manage depression.

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