How Oxygen Therapy Boosts Health

Rejuvenate cells, improve circulation & relieve pain

Cells that are deprived of oxygen can turn cancerous – Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner

Oxygen is undeniably one of the most important elements for every cell in the body. Without it, our cells cannot make much energy and their metabolism becomes less effective. Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine and biology, Otto Heinrich Warburg, discovered that no illness can survive in the presence of high oxygen levels.

If cells don’t have sufficient oxygen to convert glucose into energy, they use more glucose which produces acid waste (lactic acid) in cells. With too much lactic acid, cells lose control of their cell division mechanism, causing cells to divide non-stop leading to tumours. Shortage of cell oxygen (called hypoxia) affects the whole body and can compromise the immune system, circulation, hormones, mood and brain health.

In this interview, Dr Lyons, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and oxygen therapy specialist, explains why oxygen is vital, how oxygen therapy boosts health and ways to increase oxygen levels to optimise health.

What does oxygen do in the body?

Without oxygen in our body, we can’t exist for too long. Lack of oxygen in our cells can cause the mitochondria of cells to become dysfunctional – this is the part of a cell that produces energy by converting the energy from food into a form that cells can use. This energy is called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Every cell needs powerful mitochondria to function efficiently as they turn everything into motion, especially the cellular immune system.

What signs and symptoms present when there is a shortage of oxygen in the body?

Lack of oxygen in our cells is called hypoxia. Almost every chronic disease like diabetes, cancer or sleeping disorders start with hypoxia. All inflammation and pain start with hypoxia. So, any method that is safely able to reduce hypoxia in the cells could help the body overcome many different diseases.

How does oxygen therapy work?

One of the most common oxygen therapies is the hyperbaric chamber. This technology is accepted by the FDA for 17 different types of diseases. A hyperbaric chamber is a pressurised, sealed chamber that is used to provide oxygen at levels higher than normal atmospheric pressure. It is used for medical treatments for conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene and decompression sickness. Ozone therapy is another type of oxygen therapy has been used for decades around the world. It is a very powerful oxygen therapy that uses ozone gas – this is a gas that is made up of three oxygen atoms, and is used in very small doses to treat a wide variety of conditions. It is thought to work by increasing oxygen levels in the body, boosting the immune system, improving circulation, relieving pain and aiding the repair of damaged tissue. Excessively using ozone therapy is dangerous. If someone inhaled it for more than five minutes, it could be deadly.

How much oxygen do cells need?

The amount of oxygen required by cells varies depending on the type of cell and its activity. Cells can adapt to different oxygen levels as there is a natural regulatory system in the body that controls the free radicals and antioxidant levels in our cells.

How can we increase oxygen in the body?

We can increase oxygen in our body through exercise and by using Chinese breathing exercises, Qigong or Thai chi. These traditional methods promote deeper and slower breathing which can elevate oxygen saturation for a short period time. Slowing down your breathing can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which helps to relax the body and increase blood flow and oxygen levels. These exercises can also help to strengthen the respiratory muscles which can further improve the body’s ability to take in more oxygen.

You could also jump into a hyperbaric chamber for 30 minutes and oxygen saturation will elevate. Oxygen partial pressure would also start to function, allowing the cells to generate energy for cell divisions. Oxygen distribution is controlled by haemoglobin in the red blood cells. After inhaling oxygen from your lungs, haemoglobin will pick up the oxygen and carry it to each cell.

To learn more about Oxygen Therapy join us at CNM’s upcoming 25th Anniversary Event where Dr Lyons will explain how to optimise oxygen levels in your body to stay fit and healthy.

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