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Orange Cinnamon spiced tea


  • Loose black tea leaves
  • 1 Emperor orange
  • 1-2 Cinnamon sticks and one to garnish
  • 1 Tsp Ceylon cinnamon powder
  • 1 Tsp Nutmeg
  • Sliced fresh ginger
  • 2 tbsp Maple syrup
  • Rosemary and a sprig to garnish
  • Filtered water


  • Use Organic ingredients where possible, if not, a simple hack is to use ACV and bicarb with filtered water to rinse your ingredients
  • You will need a stainless steel, non-toxic pan, a teapot and a mug
  • Slice the orange and ginger
  • Add to the pan and top with all the other ingredients, finishing up with the maple syrup
  • Boil the ingredients for a good 15 minutes
  • Transfer to teapot, pour and garnish your mug with a sprig of rosemary and a cinnamon stick


Recipe by Sarah - Nutrition Student